Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA): Vision, Mission, Purpose, Nature, Motto, Objects, Core Values, Membership Benefits
Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA): Vision, Mission, Purpose, Nature, Motto, Objects, Core Values, Membership Benefits Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) is a community-focused civil society organizations (CSOs) international Movement/Network Coalition and Think-tank deeply engaged in promoting policies, practices, programmes and interventions that enhance productivity, accountability, transparency and civil society’s coordination/contributions in Society Welfare/Social Safety nets, Development Work/Sustainable Development, Health; and in educational, literary, scientific, social, development, cultural, sporting, and charitable intervention(s)/purpose(s). AHOA’s mandate includes Building an inclusive and broad movement for Health and Sustainable Development; Creating avenues to influence the design and implementation of policies, practices, programmes and interventions; Promoting coordination, information exchange and harmonization among the civil society and stakeholder groups